O Tropics aposta em bebidas com combinações inusitadas, saborosas e especialmente nutritivas. Já ouviu falar em spirulina, maca peruana, kombucha? Estes são alguns dos superalimentos que turbinam as delícias da casa deixando-as meganutritivas.
Despojado e charmoso, ainda possui um menu de tostadas feitas no pão de fermentação natural, saladas reforçadas, sanduíches e brownies para serem devorados sem culpa. Tudo servido em embalagens descartáveis e biodegradáveis como os bowls de fibra de bambu e os talheres de amido de milho.
The Tropics bets on drinks with unusual combinations, tasty and especially nutritious. Have you heard about spirulina, peruvian maca, kombucha? These are some of the superfoods that boost the delights of the house, making them meganutritious.
Simple and charming, it also has a menu of toasts made with natural fermentation bread, fortified salads, sandwiches and brownies to be devoured without guilt. All served in disposable and biodegradable packaging such as bamboo fiber bowls and cornstarch cutlery.
DesignRush, known for its best design awards has chosen Tropics to be featured among The Best StartUp & Small Business Branding Examples".
Despojado e charmoso, ainda possui um menu de tostadas feitas no pão de fermentação natural, saladas reforçadas, sanduíches e brownies para serem devorados sem culpa. Tudo servido em embalagens descartáveis e biodegradáveis como os bowls de fibra de bambu e os talheres de amido de milho.
The Tropics bets on drinks with unusual combinations, tasty and especially nutritious. Have you heard about spirulina, peruvian maca, kombucha? These are some of the superfoods that boost the delights of the house, making them meganutritious.
Simple and charming, it also has a menu of toasts made with natural fermentation bread, fortified salads, sandwiches and brownies to be devoured without guilt. All served in disposable and biodegradable packaging such as bamboo fiber bowls and cornstarch cutlery.
DesignRush, known for its best design awards has chosen Tropics to be featured among The Best StartUp & Small Business Branding Examples".
Logo and Visual Identity
Logo and Visual Identity