Dani é
fotógrafa, com uma especial inclinação pelo retrato e tudo que o
envolve. Conhecer pessoas, conversar com elas, saber suas histórias e
estabelecer relações. Assim,
ninguém melhor que o famoso 3x4 para começar a criar essa relação com o
visual de sua marca. Seguindo esse simples e poderoso conceito
acertamos a luz, ajustamos o foco e o clique saiu.
Com uma paleta de cor bem definida através de tons terrosos, enquadramos a personalidade da retratista, e trouxemos o dourado representando o brilho, a luz. Mas a marca da Dani é livre para explorar os tons que ela quiser, trazendo o improviso e a liberdade que ela encontra ao fazer uma foto, onde as cores diante de luz e sombras se misturam e criam suas próprias formas.
Dani is a photographer, with a special penchant for portraiture and everything that surrounds it. Meet people, talk to them, know their stories and establish relationships. So, nobody better than the famous 3x4 to start creating this relationship with the look of Dani's brand. Following this simple and powerful concept, we hit the light, adjusted the focus and the click came out.
Although we have a defined color palette, with more earthy tones, which frames the portraitist's personality, along with gold representing the brightness and light, Dani's brand is free to explore the tones she wants, bringing improvisation and freedom that we find when making a photo, where colors in front of light and shadows mix and create their own shapes.
Com uma paleta de cor bem definida através de tons terrosos, enquadramos a personalidade da retratista, e trouxemos o dourado representando o brilho, a luz. Mas a marca da Dani é livre para explorar os tons que ela quiser, trazendo o improviso e a liberdade que ela encontra ao fazer uma foto, onde as cores diante de luz e sombras se misturam e criam suas próprias formas.
Dani is a photographer, with a special penchant for portraiture and everything that surrounds it. Meet people, talk to them, know their stories and establish relationships. So, nobody better than the famous 3x4 to start creating this relationship with the look of Dani's brand. Following this simple and powerful concept, we hit the light, adjusted the focus and the click came out.
Although we have a defined color palette, with more earthy tones, which frames the portraitist's personality, along with gold representing the brightness and light, Dani's brand is free to explore the tones she wants, bringing improvisation and freedom that we find when making a photo, where colors in front of light and shadows mix and create their own shapes.
Daniela Toviansky
Logo and Visual Identity
Logo and Visual Identity